速報APP / 工具 / Telepp BT-Control

Telepp BT-Control





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:De Bleek 18 7468 DL Enter

Telepp BT-Control(圖1)-速報App

Congratulations with your new Telepp BT-Control receiver.

You will need this app, to control your receiver.

Telepp BT-Control is a low-cost BT-receiver with which you can control a variety

of different devices via your smartphone, simply and flexibly.

Telepp BT-Control(圖2)-速報App

Control winches, gates, doors, extending and slide-in systems, lighting systems, etc.

simply, intuitively and flexibly with your smartphone.

Details app:

· Easy connection of smartphone & receiver

Telepp BT-Control(圖3)-速報App

· Easy control and menu guidance

· Creation of personal user interfaces

· Programming of up to 24 smartphones / receivers

Details receiver:

Telepp BT-Control(圖4)-速報App

· Data transfer using BT technology

· 78mm x 88mm x 25mm (L x W x H)

· Operating range approx. 30m (free-field)

· Supply current 9-36Vdc

Telepp BT-Control(圖5)-速報App

· 4 outputs (min. 3.7A, nominal 4.7A)

· -40°C to +80°C temperature range

· Power consumption ~ 4mA at 12V

· Moulded casing (IP66)

Telepp BT-Control(圖6)-速報App

· Login button

· Dual colour LED for visual feedback

· Easy assembly

For more information visit:

Telepp BT-Control(圖7)-速報App
